====== Projects ====== This page lists projects I'm currently working on or I've been working on in the past. * Backoffice infrastructure developer and administrator for the [[ http://www.egi.eu | European Grid Infrastructure ]] * Request Tracker administration for [[ http://www.metacentrum.cz | MetaCentrum NGI ]], [[ http://www.cesnet.cz | CESNET ]], [[ http://www.muni.cz/ics/?lang=en | ICS MU ]] and others * Videoconferencning infrastructure design and administration at [[ http://www.cesnet.cz | CESNET ]] and [[ http://www.muni.cz | Masaryk University ]] * Audiovisual equipment for lecture halls and seminar rooms design at [[ http://www.muni.cz | Masaryk University ]] and [[ http://www.mscb.cz | Moravian Science Center Brno ]] * [[ http://ultragrid.sitola.cz | UltraGrid ]] * [[ http://couniverse.sitola.cz | CoUniverse ]] * [[ http://www.video.muni.cz | Lectures recording and archiving ]] * [[ dv_over_ip | DV over IP ]] * [[ stereoscopic_video | Stereoscopic video ]]